Monday Jan 29, 2024

Episode #67 Home Buying in the Eastern Suburbs – A personal journey with Munro Donen

Welcome to our next edition of the Propertybuyer Podcast! Today, we embark on an enlightening journey into the world of home buying, particularly in the coveted Eastern suburbs. Ever wondered how a seasoned buyers' agent approaches the daunting task of purchasing their own home? Join us as we unravel the strategies and tricks employed to navigate the competitive Eastern Suburbs market, all while sidestepping the emotional roller-coaster that often accompanies such endeavors.

And who better to guide us through this journey than one of our own Directors, Munro Donen, Buyers Advocate and Principal of Propertybuyer East. Munro recently secured his own piece of paradise in Sydney's East, and today, he generously shares his insights, market outlook, negotiation tactics, and invaluable tips for aspiring buyers.

Thought of the Week:

Before we dive into Munro's personal journey, let's kick things off with our traditional Thought of the Week. Zig Ziglar once said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.” Munro, what are your thoughts on this quote and how do you apply it to your life?

Podcast Topic – Home Buying in the Eastern Suburbs – A Personal Journey

1. Munro's Background:

  • Munro, let's start at the beginning. How did you first get interested in real estate, and what was your initial foray into the industry?

2. Choosing the Path of a Buyers Agent:

  • What led you to become a Buyers Agent? Was there a particular moment or realization that shaped this decision?

3. Coverage Areas:

  • Munro, could you share with our listeners which parts of the East you cover in your role as a Buyers Advocate?

4. The Satisfying Parts of the Role:

  • What, in your opinion, is the most satisfying aspect of being a Buyers Advocate and Principal?

5. Market Conditions - Past Year:

  • The Eastern Suburbs is renowned for its competitiveness. How would you describe the market conditions in Sydney's East over the past year?

6. Outlook for 2024:

  • Looking ahead, what is your outlook for the Eastern Suburbs property market in 2024?

7. Munro's Personal Home Purchase:

  • Now, let's delve into your personal story. What was your budget, and what were you looking for in your own home?

8. Motivation for Moving:

  • What motivated your decision to move, and were there specific features or aspects you were keen on in your new property?

9. Finding the Right Property:

  • How did you go about finding the perfect property for yourself?

10. Emotions in Check: - Buying a home can be emotionally charged. Did you find it to be a roller-coaster of emotions, or were you able to keep your feelings in check?

11. Avoiding Over-Payment: - How did you ensure you didn't over-pay for the chosen property once you found the right one?

12. Negotiation Strategy: - Did you employ a specific negotiation strategy, and if so, what was it?

13. Lessons Learned: - Reflecting on the experience, what valuable lessons did you learn from the entire home-buying process?

14. Starting the Search Process: - For aspiring buyers in the Eastern suburbs, how would you recommend they begin the search process?

15. Common Buyer Mistakes: - What are some common mistakes you've observed buyers making in the property market?

16. Advantage of Buyers Agent in the East: - Munro, in your opinion, what would be the advantage of using a Buyers Agent when purchasing property in the Eastern suburbs?

17. Best Investment Advice: - And finally, could you share with us the best piece of investment advice you've ever received?


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